Convert Teaspoons (Tsp) to Bushels (bsh) | Tsp in bsh

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Let's convert Teaspoons (Tsp) to Bushels (bsh)

This quick and easy calculator will convert Teaspoons (Tsp) to Bushels (bsh) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Teaspoons to convert to Bushels

Quick Reference for Converting Teaspoons to Bushels

bsh = Tsp / 7149.45
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Bushels, divide the number of Teaspoons by 7.1 thousand
Teaspoons (Tsp) in 1 Bushel
There are 7149.45 Teaspoons in 1 Bushel
Bushels (bsh) in 1 Teaspoon
There are 0 Bushels in 1 Teaspoon

Unit Information

Symbol: Tsp
Unit System: US Customary

What is the Teaspoon?

The teaspoon is a unit of volume in the US customary system and uses the symbol Tsp.

In the kitchen, the teaspoon is the smaller of the commonly used spoons served at the table and represents 1/6 US fluid ounce, 1/48 US cup or, expressed in SI / metric format; 4.92892159375 ml.

A teaspoon is generally considered a cooking measure but is also used in the administration of medicine when in solution form; 5 ml or multiples thereof is the standard amount of liquid medicine across the world.

Symbol: bsh
Unit System: Imperial

What is the Bushel?

The bushel is a unit of volume in the imperial unit system with the symbol bsh.

1 bushel is equal to 8 dry gallons, or 36.36872 litres.

The bushel was introduced in England as a unit to bridge the relatively large gap between a pound and a ton - and was used largely to measure volumes of liquid being imported and exported following the Norman Conquest such as wine and ale.

The name bushel comes from the ancient French 'boissiel' which means 'little box'.

Conversion Tables for Teaspoons (Tsp) to Bushels (bsh)