Convert Tablespoons (Tbsp) to Cubic Millimetres (mm³) | Tbsp in mm³

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Let's convert Tablespoons (Tbsp) to Cubic Millimetres (mm³)

This quick and easy calculator will convert Tablespoons (Tbsp) to Cubic Millimetres (mm³) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Tablespoons to convert to Cubic Millimetres

Quick Reference for Converting Tablespoons to Cubic Millimetres

mm³ = Tbsp x 14786.76
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Cubic Millimetres, multiply the number of Tablespoons by 14.8 thousand
Tablespoons (Tbsp) in 1 Cubic Millimetre
There are 0 Tablespoons in 1 Cubic Millimetre
Cubic Millimetres (mm³) in 1 Tablespoon
There are 14786.76 Cubic Millimetres in 1 Tablespoon

Unit Information

Symbol: Tbsp
Unit System: US Customary

What is the Tablespoon?

The tablespoon is a unit of volume in the US customary system and uses the symbol Tbsp.

In the kitchen, the tablespoon is the larger of the commonly used spoons served at the table and represents 1/2 US fluid ounce or, expressed in SI / metric format; 14.78676 ml.

This is often expressed as equivalent to 3 teaspoons (3 Tsp) although strictly speaking it is a little under the size of 3 metric teaspoons (5 ml) at 4.92892159375 ml. It was established to assist normal kitchens with recipes without the need for specific measuring equipment or devices. Although many spoons differ in sizes (and very rarely is a spoon filled accurately) it allowed for a decent "catch-all" and gave a "good enough" result most of the time.

Cubic Millimetre
Symbol: mm³
Unit System: SI

What is the Cubic Millimetre?

The cubic millimetre (or cubic millimeter; US spelling) is a unit of volume and is derived from an SI unit with the symbol mm³.

One cubic millimetre is defined as the volume of a cube with sides one millimetre in length. It is the same as a microlitre. It is equal to 0.000000001m³.

There are 1 billion cubic millimetres in a cubic metre.

Conversion Tables for Tablespoons (Tbsp) to Cubic Millimetres (mm³)