Convert Register Tons (GRT) into other units of volume e.g. m³, cm³, mm³, cup, fl oz, ft³, gal, in³, L, fl oz, pt, Tsp

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Let's convert Register Tons (GRT) to another unit of Volume

This quick and easy calculator will convert Register Tons (GRT) into other units of volume e.g. m³, cm³, mm³, cup, fl oz, ft³, gal, in³, L, fl oz, pt, Tsp

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Unit Information

Register Ton
/ˈrɛdʒɪstə tʌn/
Symbol: GRT
Unit System: Shipping

What is the Register Ton?

The register ton is a unit of volume in the shipping world and uses the symbol GRT.

1 register ton is equal to 100 ft³ or 2.832 m³.

The register ton is used in shipping to measure the amount of cargo on a vessel. The phrase is often mistaken for a unit of mass or weight because of the term 'ton' but should not be confused.