What is 810000gal in Steres?

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What is 810000 Imperial Gallons (810000gal) in Steres (st)?

What is 810000gal in st? Convert 810000 Imperial Gallons (810000gal) to Steres (st) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Imperial Gallons to convert to Steres

Quick Reference for Converting Imperial Gallons to Steres

st = gal / 219.97
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Steres, divide the number of Imperial Gallons by 220.0
Imperial Gallons (gal) in 1 Stere
There are 219.97 Imperial Gallons in 1 Stere
Steres (st) in 1 Imperial Gallon
There are 0 Steres in 1 Imperial Gallon

Unit Information

Imperial Gallon
Symbol: gal
Unit System: Imperial

What is the Imperial Gallon?

The gallon is a unit of volume in the imperial unit system with the symbol gal.

1 British imperial gallon is defined as 4.54609 litres or 277.4194 in³.

The term gallon derives directly from the Old Northern French term 'galun' which means 'liquid measure'. The origin of the word prior to this is still unknown. It originated as the base of the system for measuring wine and beer in the UK and has now been adopted across the world and there are similar versions in the US and associated states (although they measure slightly differently).

Symbol: st
Unit System: Non-SI Metric

What is the Stere?

The stere is a unit of volume and is a non-SI unit but accepted for use as a metric unit with the symbol st.

1 stere is equal to 1 cubic metre (1 m³) which is equivalent to the volume contained in a cube with edges all at 1 m. The stere is used to measure large quantities of cut wood or firewood. It is used to distinguish between cut and uncut wood - its equivalent, the cubic meter is used to measure uncut wood.

The word 'stere' hails from the Greek 'στερεός' or 'stereos' which translates to 'solid'. It represents the wood used to produce the cut wood - and therefore often the dimensions of the cut wood is less than its uncut equivalent.

Conversion Tables for Imperial Gallons (gal) to Steres (st)