What is 150000s in Sidereal Seconds?

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What is 150000 Seconds (150000s) in Sidereal Seconds (s-sr)?

What is 150000s in s-sr? Convert 150000 Seconds (150000s) to Sidereal Seconds (s-sr) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Seconds to convert to Sidereal Seconds

Quick Reference for Converting Seconds to Sidereal Seconds

s-sr = s x 1
Quick Rough Maths
Sidereal Seconds and Seconds are approximately equal
Seconds (s) in 1 Sidereal Second
There are 1 Seconds in 1 Sidereal Second
Sidereal Seconds (s-sr) in 1 Second
There are 1 Sidereal Seconds in 1 Second

Unit Information

Symbol: s
Unit System: SI

What is the Second?

The second is the SI base unit for time and has the symbol s.

The second is commonly understood to be 1/86400 of a day; there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day.

Analog and digital watches and clocks almost all measure and display the progression of time via the use of a second counter / hand - and is generally considered the lowest denomination of time.

The earliest display and use of seconds was in the last half of the 16th century. Prior to this, it was not considered accurate enough to measure in seconds as a mechanical device was needed to ensure consistency.

In 1656, a Dutch scientist invented the first pendulum clock that measured seconds. His name was Christiaan Huygens.

Sidereal Second
Symbol: s-sr
Unit System: SI

What is the Sidereal Second?

The sidereal second is a unit of time used by astronomers and is derived from the SI unit system. We have used the symbol s-sr.

1 sidereal second is 1/60 of a sidereal minute. This is derived ultimately from the sidereal day which is the time taken (in solar seconds) for the Earth to complete one rotation with respect to a distant star or constellation.

Like with normal seconds, minutes, hours and days, there are still 60 x 60 x 24 seconds in a day, but the day itself is approximately 23 h 56 min and 4.1 s in (normal) seconds.

Conversion Tables for Seconds (s) to Sidereal Seconds (s-sr)