Convert Points (pt) into other units of length e.g. m, cm, km, ft, in, ly, μm, mm, mi, yd

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Let's convert Points (pt) to another unit of Length

This quick and easy calculator will convert Points (pt) into other units of length e.g. m, cm, km, ft, in, ly, μm, mm, mi, yd

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Unit Information

Symbol: pt
Unit System: Typography

What is the Point?

The point is a unit of length in the field of typography and uses the symbol pt.

It is the smallest unit in the world of typography. There are 12 points in a pica.

In physical printing methods / press systems, the point size is the height of the metal press body on which the font's letters are made. When applied to the digital type space, letters are designed around a theoretical size, an em square which is scaled to the relative point size (when specified of course!).