Convert Nanometres (nm) into other units of length e.g. m, cm, km, ft, in, ly, μm, mm, mi, yd

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Let's convert Nanometres (nm) to another unit of Length

This quick and easy calculator will convert Nanometres (nm) into other units of length e.g. m, cm, km, ft, in, ly, μm, mm, mi, yd

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Unit Information

Symbol: nm
Unit System: SI

What is the Nanometre?

The nanometre is a unit of length and is a multiple of the SI unit metre. It uses the symbol nm.

1 nm is equal to one one-billionth of a metre. (Nano is the prefix for one billionth). It is used to express dimensions on an atomic scale for example a helium atom has a radius of approximately 0.03nm.

The nanometre was previously known as the millimicrometre (or the millimicron).