Convert Circular Mils (cmil) into other units of area e.g. m², ac, ha, cm², km², ft², in², mi²

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Let's convert Circular Mils (cmil) to another unit of Area

This quick and easy calculator will convert Circular Mils (cmil) into other units of area e.g. m², ac, ha, cm², km², ft², in², mi²

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Unit Information

Circular Mil
Symbol: cmil
Unit System: Units For Measuring Wire Gauges

What is the Circular Mil?

The circular mil is a unit designed specifically to measure the area of a wire with a circular cross section. It has the symbol cmil.

An inch is 1000 mils. This makes the circular mil particularly useful for measuring cross sections of wire as there is no need to use the symbol π so the process is simplified.

A circular mil is a very small unit so not advised to use for large areas!